
XPay KotlinUtils is an SDK for integrating payments through XPay with android development written in kotlin.


KotlinUtils is available through jitpack

  1. Add the following line in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependencies
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.xpayeg:Android-kotlin-sdk:2.0'
    implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.3.3'
    implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:2.2.0-alpha02"

Click here for more installation options other than gradle.


Make payment

import com.xpay.kotlinutils.XpayUtils
import com.xpay.kotlinutils.models.BillingInfo

// set XpayUtils core settings
// The following settings are for testing purposes only
XpayUtils.apiKey = "Cce74Y3B.J0P4tItq7hGu2ddhCB0WF5ND1eTubkpT"
XpayUtils.communityId = "m2J7eBK"
XpayUtils.apiPaymentId = 60
// default server settings are testing servers which is equivalent to
// XpayUtils.serverSetting = ServerSetting.TEST

lifecycleScope.launch {
    try {
        val res = XpayUtils.prepareAmount(50)
        // read active payment methods list and set payUsing property
        // this test community returns CARD and KIOSK payment options
        // the following line is equivalent to XpayUtils.payUsing = XpayUtils.activePaymentMethods[0]
        XpayUtils.payUsing = PaymentMethods.CARD
        // read the total amount of card payment
        // this is also equivalent to
        // val totalAmount = res?.totalAmount!!
        val totalAmount = XpayUtils.PaymentOptionsTotalAmounts?.card!!
        // set billing information
        XpayUtils.billingInfo = BillingInfo( "John Doe", "", "+201111111111")
        // make payment
        val paymentRespone =
        // get payment form url and navigate to it to complete your payment
        val formUrl = paymentRespone?.iframe_url!!
        val builder = CustomTabsIntent.Builder()
        val customTabsIntent: CustomTabsIntent =
        customTabsIntent.launchUrl(this@MainActivity, Uri.parse(response.iframe_url))
        //in case of KIOSK payment method, read the message respone which contains your payment reference number from AMAN
        // val formUrl = paymentRespone?.message!!

        // that's it !
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        e.message?.let { msg -> displayError(msg) }

Get transaction info

import com.xpay.kotlinutils.XpayUtils

// set XpayUtils core settings
// The following settings are for testing purposes only
XpayUtils.apiKey = "Cce74Y3B.J0P4tItq7hGu2ddhCB0WF5ND1eTubkpT";
XpayUtils.communityId = "m2J7eBK";
XpayUtils.apiPaymentId = 60;
// default server settings are testing servers which is equivalent to
// XpayUtils.serverSetting = ServerSetting.TEST

lifecycleScope.launch {
    try {
        val response = XpayUtils.getTransaction(it)
        // read transaction status and amount
        val status = respone.status
        val totalAmount = respone.total_amount

        // that's it !
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        e.message?.let { errMsg -> displayError(errMsg) }

Switching to Production server

By default XpayUtils will make all the requests to XPay testing server, to switch to Production server set XpayUtils.serverSetting property to ServerSetting.LIVE.

XpayUtils.serverSetting = ServerSetting.LIVE

to switch back to the test server:

XpayUtils.serverSetting = ServerSetting.TEST